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Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529990


Introducción: La viruela símica es una infección zoonótica que se ha distribuido por todo el mundo. La búsqueda de información en internet refleja el interés y concientización de la población acerca de salud. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el volumen relativo de búsquedas en internet con el número de casos confirmados por la viruela símica en diez países. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio obser- vacional, analítico, retrospectivo, utilizando la herramienta Google Trends (GT™) para encontrar el volumen relativo búsqueda (VRB) sobre viruela símica desde 01 de enero al 31 de agosto del 2022 usando términos de búsqueda en el idioma oficial de los 10 países con mayor número de casos en dichas fechas, registrado por Our World in Data. Para establecer la relación lineal entre el VRB con los nuevos de casos por día se usó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson con un nivel de significancia (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: Se encontró un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson fuerte en Brasil (Rp = 0,562,p = 0,001), y débil en países como Alemania (Rp = 0,281, p = 0,004), Estados Unidos de Norteamérica (Rp = 0,255, p = 0,008), España (Rp = 0,122, p = 0,213), Perú (Rp = 0,120, p = 0,333), Canadá (Rp = 0,116, p = 0,238), Francia (Rp = 0,095, p = 0,335), Reino Unido (Rp = 0,085, p = 0,362), Portugal (Rp = 0,024, p = 0,805) y Países Bajos (Rp = 0,067, p = 0,497). Conclusión: Nuestro estudio evidencio que el VRB presento una relación positiva con el número de nuevos casos de viruela símica. Asimismo, se observo un coeficiente de correlación fuerte en Brasil, y en el resto de países fue débil.

Background: Smallpox is a zoonotic infection that has been distributed worldwide. The search for information on the Internet reflects the interest and awareness of the population about health. Aim: To determine the correlation between the relative volume of internet searches and the number of confirmed cases of smallpox in ten countries. Methods: An observational, analytical, retrospective study was conducted using the Google Trends (GT™) tool to find the relative search volume (RSV) on monkeypox from January 1 to August 31, 2022 using search terms in the official language of the 10 countries with the highest number of cases on those dates, as recorded by Our World in Data. To establish the relationship between RSV and new cases per day, Spearman's correlation was used with a significance level (p ≤ 0.05). Results: A. strong Pearson correlation coefficient was found in Brazil (Rp = 0.562, p = 0.001), and weak in countries like Germany (Rp = 0.281, p = 0.004), United States (Rp = 0.255, p = 0.008), Spain (Rp = 0. 122, p = 0.213), Peru (Rp = 0.120, p = 0.333), Canada (Rp = 0.116, p = 0.238), France (Rp = 0.095, p = 0.335), United Kingdom (Rp = 0.085, p = 0.362), Portugal (Rp = 0.024, p = 0.805) and Netherlands (Rp = 0.067, p = 0.497). Conclusion: Our study showed that RSV had a positive relationship with the number of new cases of smallpox. Also, a strong correlation coefficient was observed in Brazil, while the rest of the countries showed a weak correlation coefficient.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550852


Introducción: Las complicaciones, asociadas al brote anormal de los terceros molares, es posible evitarlas con la germenectomía de estos dientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar la evolución de la germenectomía de terceros molares en pacientes con diagnóstico cefalométrico de brote anormal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora Torres", desde febrero de 2019 hasta marzo de 2021. Se estudiaron 32 pacientes de 13 a 15 años de edad, interviniéndose quirúrgicamente 78 terceros molares. Las variables fueron edad, sexo, color de la piel, localización y posición del tercer molar; así como las complicaciones trans y posoperatorias y la evolución. Resultados: Entre los 32 pacientes incluidos en el estudio predominó el sexo femenino (62,5 %) y la edad de 14 años (40,6 %). Las complicaciones ocurridas durante la germenectomía fueron más frecuentes en la arcada inferior. Aunque no fueron detectadas diferencias estadísticamente significativas según localización (valor de p>0,05); con 30 transoperatorias para un 38,4 % y 75 posoperatorias para un 96,2 %. Conclusiones: Se evidencia una evolución marcadamente favorable posterior a la germenectomía de terceros molares en la población de pacientes con diagnóstico cefalométrico de brote anormal. En ellos el sangrado transoperatorio y el dolor posoperatorio constituyen las complicaciones a considerar en este tipo de procedimiento quirúrgico.

Introduction: Complications associated with the abnormal eruption of third molars can be avoided with germenectomy of these teeth. Objective: To characterize the evolution of third molar germenectomy in patients with a cephalometric diagnosis of abnormal bud. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at Saturnino Lora Torres Provincial Hospital, from February 2019 to March 2021. Thirty two patients aged 13 to 15 years were studied, with 78 third molars undergoing surgery. The variables were age, sex, skin color, location and position of the third molar; as well as trans and postoperative complications and evolution. Results: Among the 32 patients included in the study, the female sex (62.5%) and the age of 14 years (40.6%) predominated. Complications that occurred during germenectomy were more frequent in the lower arch. Although no statistically significant differences were perceived according to location (p value > 0.05); with 30 intraoperative for 38.4% and 75 postoperative for 96.2%. Conclusions: There is evidence of a markedly favorable evolution after germenectomy of third molars in the population of patients with cephalometric diagnosis of abnormal bud. In them, transoperative bleeding and postoperative pain are the complications to consider in this type of surgical procedure.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 55(3): 9-9, Oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529624


Abstract Carbapenemase-producing-Serratia marcescens isolates, although infrequent, are considered important nosocomial pathogens due to their intrinsic resistance to polymyxins, which limits therapeutic options. We describe a nosocomial outbreak of SME-4-producing S. marcescens in Buenos Aires city which, in our knowledge, represents the first one in South America.

Resumen Los aislamientos de origen nosocomial de Serratia marcescens productores de car-bapenemasa, si bien son infrecuentes, son considerados importantes patógenos debido a su resistencia intrínseca a las polimixinas, lo cual limita aún más las opciones terapéuticas. En este trabajo se describe un brote nosocomial causado por S. marcescens portadora de car-bapenemasa de tipo SME-4 en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el cual representaría el primero en Sudamérica.

Vive (El Alto) ; 6(17)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515630


La viruela símica es una enfermedad zoonótica endémica de África occidental y central, pero el actual brote está presentado una inusual propagación por el mundo a pesar de su limitada capacidad para trasmitirse de humano a humano, situación que ha generado una preocupación sanitaria a nivel mundial. Objetivo. Identificar la viruela símica, descripción del monkeypox virus, brote actual de la viruela símica, etiología, trasmisión, signos y síntomas, diagnóstico, vacunación y tratamiento antiviral. Metodología. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática en PubMed, Ovid y LILACS, empleando operadores booleanos como, "monkeypox" OR "MPXV" OR "human monkeypox" OR "virus monkeypox", en total se identificaron 986 registros, en inglés y español. La fase de cribado recabo 59 registros entre artículos científicos y literatura gris publicados entre el 2010 y el 2022. El proceso de revisión se desarrolló bajo los estándares del método PRISMA; la elegibilidad, incluyó valoración de la calidad científica por listas de comprobación, y la inclusión contempló los criterios de calidad de la evidencia y graduación de la fuerza de recomendación. Resultados. Se encontraron 287 registros en PubMed, 699 en Ovid Medline®, se localizaron en total 986 registros electrónicos. Conclusión. El incremento de la trasmisión de humano a humano pone en peligro al entorno familiar y a quienes brindan el cuidado de salud. Las erupciones cutáneas son el signo patognomónico durante la valoración clínica. La inmunidad colectiva alcanzada durante la vacunación contra la viruela humana se ha reducido, contribuyendo en el aumento de casos y la propagación.

Smallpox is a zoonotic disease endemic to West and Central Africa, but the current outbreak is showing an unusual spread throughout the world despite its limited ability to transmit from human to human, a situation that has raised global health concern. Objective. To identify monkeypox, description of monkeypox virus, current outbreak of monkeypox, etiology, transmission, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, vaccination and antiviral treatment. Methodology. A systematic review was carried out in PubMed, Ovid and LILACS, using Boolean operators such as, "monkeypox" OR "MPXV" OR "human monkeypox" OR "monkeypox virus", a total of 986 records were identified, in English and Spanish. The screening phase collected 59 records between scientific articles and grey literature published between 2010 and 2022. The review process was developed under the standards of the PRISMA method; eligibility included assessment of scientific quality by checklists, and inclusion contemplated the criteria of quality of evidence and grading of the strength of recommendation. Results. A total of 287 records were found in PubMed, 699 in Ovid Medline®, and 986 electronic records were located. Conclusion. The increase in human-to-human transmission endangers the family environment and health care providers. Skin rashes are the pathognomonic sign during clinical assessment. The herd immunity achieved during human smallpox vaccination has been reduced, contributing to the increase in cases and spread.

A varíola é uma doença zoonótica endêmica da África Ocidental e Central, mas o surto atual está mostrando uma disseminação global incomum, apesar de sua capacidade limitada de transmissão de pessoa para pessoa, uma situação que levantou preocupações com a saúde global. Objetivo. Identificar a varíola do macaco, a descrição do vírus da varíola do macaco, o atual surto de varíola do macaco, a etiologia, a transmissão, os sinais e sintomas, o diagnóstico, a vacinação e o tratamento antiviral. Metodologia. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática no PubMed, Ovid e LILACS, usando operadores booleanos como "monkeypox" OR "MPXV" OR "human monkeypox" OR "monkeypox virus", no total foram identificados 986 registros, em inglês e espanhol. A fase de triagem coletou 59 registros de artigos científicos e literatura cinzenta publicados entre 2010 e 2022. O processo de revisão foi desenvolvido de acordo com os padrões do método PRISMA; a elegibilidade incluiu a avaliação da qualidade científica por meio de listas de verificação, e a inclusão contemplou os critérios de qualidade de evidência e graduação da força de recomendação. Resultados. Foram encontrados 287 registros no PubMed, 699 no Ovid Medline® e um total de 986 registros eletrônicos. Conclusões. O aumento da transmissão de pessoa para pessoa coloca em risco o ambiente doméstico e os prestadores de serviços de saúde. Erupções cutâneas são o sinal patognomônico durante a avaliação clínica. A imunidade de rebanho obtida durante a vacinação contra a varíola humana foi reduzida, contribuindo para o aumento dos casos e da disseminação.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535193


Introducción: El aumento de casos de dengue en Amazonas es un riesgo para la salud pública. En el 2021, Balsas reportó por primera vez un brote de dengue. Métodos: La población incluyó a pacientes que cumplían con la definición de caso entre diciembre 2021 y febrero 2022. La identificación de los serotipos se determinó mediante una qRT-PCR múltiplex. Resultados: Se identificaron 72 pacientes de los cuales 53 (74%) se confirmaron por serología (Ag NS1). El serotipo prevalente fue DENV-2 (94%), y el 6% fue DENV-1. Los pacientes de 19 a 45 años presentaron el mayor porcentaje de casos (59%). Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron cefalea, mialgias, fiebre y artralgias; el 23 % presentó dolor abdominal intenso. Conclusión: Este fue el primer brote de dengue confirmado en el distrito de Balsas, siendo DENV-2 el principal causante, destacando la necesidad de mejorar la vigilancia en zonas sin transmisión autóctona de la enfermedad.

Introduction: The increase in dengue cases in Amazonas represents a public health risk. In 2021, Balsas reported a dengue outbreak for the first time. Methods: The population included patients who met the case definition between December 2021 and February 2022. Serotype identification was determined using a multiplex qRT-PCR. Results: A total of 72 patients were identified, of which 53 (74%) were confirmed by serology (NS1 Ag). The prevalent serotype was DENV-2 (94%), and 6% were DENV-1. Patients aged 19 to 45 years had the highest percentage of cases (59%). The most frequent symptoms were headache, myalgia, fever, and arthralgia; 23% had intense abdominal pain. Conclusion: This was the first confirmed dengue outbreak in the Balsas district, with DENV-2 being the main cause of the outbreak, highlighting the need to improve surveillance in areas without autochthonous transmission of the disease.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515121


En mayo de 2022 se reportó un aumento de casos de viruela símica (mpox en inglés) en el mundo, cuyo comportamiento epidemiológico y clínico, particularmente en pacientes con infección por VIH, condujo a la declaración del brote de mpox 2022 como emergencia de salud pública internacional. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con infección por VIH que cursó con mpox grave y fulminante, con placas necróticas en párpado y membrana inflamatoria sobre la superficie ocular; mucosa oral con lesiones blanquecinas y úlceras en lengua; induración de tejidos blandos y lesiones necróticas en los pies. Tras múltiples complicaciones, se convirtió en la primera víctima fatal reportada en Ecuador en 2022. En pacientes con infección por VIH, mpox puede presentarse como un agente oportunista, causando lesiones cutáneas graves, con o sin manifestaciones sistémicas.

In May 2022 several cases of mpox were reported worldwide, whose epidemiological and clinical outcome, particularly in patients seropositive for HIV, led to declaring the 2022 mpox outbreak as a public health emergency. We describe a case of a patient with HIV infection and severe and fulminant mpox, with necrotic plaques on the eyelid and an inflammatory membrane on the ocular surface; oral mucosa with whitish lesions and ulcers on the tongue; soft tissues induration, and necrotic lesions on the feet. After multiple complications, he became the first fatality reported in Ecuador in 2022. In HIV-infected patients mpox can be considered an opportunistic agent, with severe skin lesions with or without systemic manifestations.

Rev. argent. salud publica ; 15: 107-107, jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449455


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El dengue constituye un problema emergente en Argentina. En la provincia de Buenos Aires se inició un primer brote en 2016, y el de 2020 registró un 82% más de casos y afectó municipios sin antecedentes previos. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la dinámica de los brotes bonaerenses de 2016 y 2020 . MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Los casos fueron registrados en el Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia de la Salud. Fueron calculadas las distribuciones de frecuencia de los casos notificados, considerando también el origen: importados o autóctonos. Las tasas de incidencia y las razones de tasas se calcularon por Región Sanitaria. La difusión de la onda epidémica para ambos brotes fue obtenida mediante el cálculo de métricas adimensionales . RESULTADOS: Ambos brotes manifestaron ondas de similar comportamiento, pero con diferente expansión temporal y velocidades de difusión que se distanciaron en el inicio y luego hacia el final, presentando el último brote una mayor incidencia pero con una tasa de propagación de menor variación . DISCUSIÓN: La investigación realizada permitió caracterizar los brotes ocurridos en 2016 y 2020, y focalizar regionalmente la incidencia del fenómeno reemergente de la infección por arbovirus dengue (principalmente DEN-1 circulante) en la provincia de Buenos Aires, con cifras de incidencia que superaron lo conocido en la historia de la enfermedad en Argentina.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Dengue is an emerging problem in Argentina. In the province of Buenos Aires, the first outbreak was in 2016, and the one occurred during 2020 caused 82% more cases and affected districts with no previous cases. The objective of this study was to characterize the outbreak dynamics in the province of Buenos Aires in 2016 and 2020 . METHODS: A descriptive, retrospective and crosssectional study was conducted. The cases were registered in the National Health Surveillance System. The frequency distributions of the reported cases were calculated, considering also the origin: imported or autochthonous. Incidence rates and rate ratios were calculated for each Health Region. The diffusion of the epidemic wave for both outbreaks was obtained by calculating dimensionless metrics . RESULTS: Both outbreaks showed waves with similar behavior, but with different temporal expansion and diffusion speeds that distanced from each other at the beginning and then towards the end. The last outbreak had a higher incidence, but a propagation rate with less variation . DISCUSSION: This research allowed to characterize the two outbreaks occurred in 2016 and 2020, and to focus regionally on the incidence of the re-emerging phenomenon of dengue arbovirus infection (mainly circulating DEN-1) in the province of Buenos Aires, with incidence figures that exceeded those known in the history of the disease in Argentina.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 75(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550867


La histoplasmosis es una micosis profunda de distribución mundial causada por el Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum. Se caracteriza por una variabilidad clínica que depende principalmente de la carga fúngica, del estado inmunológico del paciente y de la virulencia del germen. Se describe un brote de histoplasmosis pulmonar aguda en militares, producido en el contexto epidemiológico de la COVID-19. El episodio tuvo lugar a partir de actividad laboral en cuevas donde participaron cuatro militares, tres de los cuales desarrollaron síntomas y fueron admitidos en el Hospital Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima de Cienfuegos en enero de 2022. La información fue obtenida a través de la entrevista médica y la historia clínica. Se evidenció que en el contexto epidemiológico de la pandemia por COVID-19 no se debe subestimar el diagnóstico de otras enfermedades respiratorias, incluidas las micosis endémicas(AU)

Histoplasmosis is a deep mycotic infection of worldwide distribution caused by Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum. It is characterized by clinical variability that depends mainly on the fungal load, the patient's immune status and the virulence of the germ. We describe an outbreak of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis among military officers, which occurred in the epidemiological context of COVID-19. The episode occurred during work activities in caves in which four soldiers participated, three of whom developed symptoms and were admitted to the "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" Hospital in Cienfuegos in January 2022. The information was obtained through medical interviews and clinical records. It was evidenced that in the epidemiological context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the diagnosis of other respiratory diseases, including endemic mycoses, should not be underestimated(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Caves/virology , COVID-19/complications , Histoplasmosis/complications
Invest. clín ; 64(1): 68-80, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534684


Abstract The resources and platforms available on the internet for collecting and sharing information and performing genomic sequence analysis have made it possible to follow closely the evolution the evolution of SARS-CoV-2. However, the current monkeypox outbreak in the world brings us back to the need to use these resources to appraise the extent of this outbreak. The objective of this work was an analysis of the information presented so far in the genomic database GISAID EpiPox™, using various tools available on the web. The results indicate that the monkeypox outbreak is referred as MPXV clade II B.1 lineage and sub-lineages, isolated from male patients mainly from the European and American continents. In the current scenario, the access to genomic sequences, epidemiological information, and tools available to the scientific community is of great importance for global public health in order to follow the evolution of pathogens.

Resumen Los recursos y plataformas disponibles en Internet para recopilar, compartir información y realizar análisis de secuencias genómicas han permitido seguir de cerca la evolución del SARS-CoV-2. El actual brote global de viruela del mono en el mundo, requiere de nuevo utilizar estos recursos para conocer el alcance de este brote. El objetivo de este trabajo fue un análisis de la información presentada hasta el momento en la base de datos genómica EpiPox™ de GISAID, utilizando diversas herramientas disponibles en la web. Los resultados indican que el brote de la viruela del mono o símica está referido al linaje y sub-linajes B.1 del clado II de MPXV, aislado principalmente de pacientes hombres de Europa y América. En el escenario actual, el acceso a las secuencias genómicas, la información epidemiológica, y las herramientas disponibles para la comunidad científica son de gran importancia para la salud pública mundial con el fin de seguir la evolución de los patógenos.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(3): e20231521, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513747


Abstract Somatic characters are shared by many Chelodesmidae groups, and generic placement and species identifications traditionally have been based on gonopodal morphology. Female genitalic characters have been largely neglected and are rarely photographed or illustrated. This is rather unfortunate as the morphology of female genitalia presents important characters and may be decisive for developing a more robust family classification. We describe the heretofore unknown female of Sandalodesmus araujoi (Schubart, 1946), previously known only from the male holotype collected in São Paulo, Brazil in December 1943; discuss the utility of female genitalic characters for species delineation in Sandalodesmus; and report the first case of a mass occurrence in the Chelodesmidae. While an attempt at a formal diagnosis of Sandalodesmus females based on genitalic characters is premature, the vulvar morphology of the three taxa examined in this study suggests that female genitalia are species-specific. Some characters (i.e., asymmetric valves, presence of digitiform projections and reduction of setae on the internal basal portion of the valves) are constant between the species, suggesting utility for generic-level delineation. Mass occurrences of millipedes are typically unpredictable and likely related to variations in environmental conditions and/or anthropogenic modifications of natural habitats. Although the mass occurrence of S. araujoi reported herein was only observed once, the event coincides with the mating period of millipedes during the rainy season in Brazil. On the other hand, the region where the species was found has been the target of intense urban development, including replacement of natural habitats with residential areas, which may have influenced its population dynamics.

Resumo Os caracteres somáticos são compartilhados por muitos grupos de Chelodesmidae, e o posicionamento genérico e as identificações de espécies tradicionalmente têm sido baseadas na morfologia do gonópodo. Carateres genitais das fêmeas foram amplamente negligenciados e raramente são fotografados ou ilustrados. Isso é lamentável, pois a morfologia da genitália feminina apresenta características importantes e pode ser decisiva para o desenvolvimento de uma classificação mais robusta. Neste trabalho, descrevemos a até então desconhecida fêmea de Sandalodesmus araujoi (Schubart, 1946), anteriormente conhecida apenas pelo holótipo macho coletado em São Paulo, Brasil, em dezembro de 1943; discutimos a utilidade de caracteres genitais femininos para delineamento de espécies em Sandalodesmus; e relatamos o primeiro caso de ocorrência em massa para Chelodesmidae. Embora uma tentativa de diagnose formal para fêmeas de Sandalodesmus com base em caracteres genitais seja prematura, a morfologia vulvar dos três táxons examinados neste estudo, sugere que a genitália feminina é espécie-específica. Alguns caracteres (e.g. válvulas assimétricas, presença de projeções digitiformes e redução de cerdas na margem interna das válvas) são constantes entre as espécies do gênero, sugerindo utilidade para delineamento em nível genérico. Ocorrências em massa de milípedes são tipicamente imprevisíveis e provavelmente relacionadas a variações nas condições ambientais e/ou modificações antropogênicas de habitats naturais. Embora a ocorrência em massa de S. araujoi aqui relatada tenha sido observada apenas uma vez, o evento coincide com o período de reprodução dos milípedes durante a estação chuvosa no Brasil. Por outro lado, a região onde a espécie foi encontrada tem sido alvo de intenso desenvolvimento urbano, incluindo substituição de habitats naturais por áreas residenciais, o que pode ter influenciado sua dinâmica populacional.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521919


Introducción: Una oportuna investigación de los eventos epidemiológicos de la COVID-19 garantiza minimizar la propagación de la enfermedad en la población. Objetivos: Caracterizar el brote de transmisión comunitaria de COVID-19 en un municipio de La Habana. Métodos: Estudio transversal de casos positivos de infección por SARS-CoV-2 del brote Catedral en La Habana Vieja, en 2021. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, manzana de residencia, fecha de inicio de síntomas, fecha de diagnóstico, forma clínica, tipo de caso. Se utilizó la metodología para el estudio de brotes. Se calcularon porcentajes, diferencias de proporciones, tasas, número reproductivo efectivo y parámetro de dispersión con intervalos de confianza de 95 %. Resultados: Se notificó el brote el 23 de marzo y se cerró el 22 de abril con 106 casos (tasa de ataque 4,51 %), el pico en la notificación se produjo el 29 de marzo con 40 casos (37,73 %). La edad media fue de 43 años. Resultaron más afectados los adultos de 60 y más años (30,18 %), las mujeres (58,49 %) y la manzana 0024 (45,28 % de los casos). El 77,3 % no presentó síntomas, entre ellos dos superdispersores; los sintomáticos fueron leves y no hubo fallecidos. El número reproductivo efectivo global fue de 0,94 (IC: 0,70-1,21); superior en los asintomáticos (11,43 versus 4,00); y el parámetro de dispersión de 0,89 (IC: 0,51-2,09), superior en los sintomáticos (1,06 versus 0,69). Conclusiones: El control epidemiológico oportuno ante cada caso permitió la corta duración del brote y que no hubiesen fallecidos.

Introduction: A timely investigation of COVID-19 epidemiological events guarantees to minimize the spread of the disease in the population. Objective: To characterize the COVID-19 outbreak of community transmission in a municipality in Havana. Methods: Cross-sectional study of positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection of the "Cathedral" outbreak in Old Havana in 2021. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, city block of residence, date of symptom onset, date of diagnosis, clinical manifestations, and type of case. The methodology for the study of outbreaks was used. Percentages, differences in proportions, rates, effective reproductive number, and dispersion parameter with 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Results: The outbreak was reported on March 23 and closed on April 22 with 106 cases (attack rate of 4.51%). The peak was notified on March 29 with 40 cases (37.73%). The mean age was 43 years. Adults aged 60 years and older (30.18%), women (58.49%), and block 0024 (45.28% of cases) were most affected. A total of 77.3% were asymptomatic, including two superspreaders; symptomatic cases were mild and there were no deaths. The overall effective reproductive number was 0.94 (CI: 0.70-1.21); higher in asymptomatic cases (11.43 versus 4.00); and the dispersion parameter was 0.89 (CI: 0.51-2.09), higher in symptomatic cases (1.06 versus 0.69). Conclusions: Timely epidemiological control of each case ensured the short duration of the outbreak and no deaths.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248281, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350304


Abstract The COVID-19 is a contagious viral disease, was first emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and became the whole world on alert. The mortality rate in top most countries in Asia with special reference to Pakistan has been focused. Since February 26 to September 2020 the total confirmed cases and mortality rate was measured through Wikipedia and the notable journals. Iran is the only country having highest number of deaths (5.73%) followed by Indonesia (3.77%) while Saudi Arabia shows the lowest number of deaths as 1.39%. In Pakistan the first case was confirmed in 26th February, 2020. The nCov-19 has closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) hence SARS COV-2 was named. This virus is responsible for more than 33.9 million deaths in over all the world as of 20th September, 2020. The number of new cases is increasing time to time. Sindh province of Pakistan has reported the highest number of cases till September, 20, 2020 as compared to other parts of the country and has the highest number of death followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Because of the person to person contact the disease is spreading rapidly. The individuals who has already infected with other diseases like cancer or diabetic etc. are vulnerable. The nCOV-19 is the most contagious due to its mode of transmission. There is still no vaccine is available for the treatment of disease caused by nCoV-2019. It is therefore the only option to control this pandemic is to adopt effective preventive measures.

Resumo A covid-19 é uma doença viral contagiosa, que surgiu pela primeira vez em Wuhan, China, em dezembro de 2019, e deixou o mundo todo em alerta. A taxa de mortalidade na maioria dos principais países da Ásia, com referência especial ao Paquistão, foi enfocada. De 26 de fevereiro a setembro de 2020, o total de casos confirmados e a taxa de mortalidade foram medidos por meio da Wikipedia e de periódicos notáveis. O Irã é o único país com maior número de mortes (5,73%), seguido pela Indonésia (3,77%), enquanto a Arábia Saudita mostra o menor número de mortes, 1,39%. No Paquistão, o primeiro caso foi confirmado em 26 de fevereiro de 2020. O nCov-19 está intimamente relacionado à síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS), daí o nome SARS COV-2. Esse vírus é responsável por mais de 33,9 milhões de mortes em todo o mundo em 20 de setembro de 2020. O número de novos casos está aumentando de tempos em tempos. A província de Sindh, no Paquistão, registrou o maior número de casos até 20 de setembro de 2020, em comparação com outras partes do país, e tem o maior número de mortes, seguida por Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Por causa do contato pessoa a pessoa, a doença está se espalhando rapidamente. Indivíduos que já foram diagnosticados com outras doenças, como câncer ou diabetes, etc. são mais vulneráveis. O nCOV-19 é o mais contagioso devido ao seu modo de transmissão. Ainda não há vacina disponível para o tratamento da doença causada pelo nCoV-2019. Portanto, a única opção para controlar essa pandemia é a adoção de medidas preventivas eficazes.

Humans , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Pakistan/epidemiology , China , SARS-CoV-2
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1-3, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991970


Objective:With the adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies, the coronavirus disease infection has undergone incredible changes. The number of infected people has exploded in a geometric progression up to an astronomical number. In the face of a new round of stormy tests, it is not only necessary for the whole country to unite and help each other, unite as one, share weal and woe, and overcome the difficulties, but also for us to reflect on the current situation, problems and difficulties.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 493-497, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991660


Objective:To analyze the cause and epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of cutaneous anthrax in Caoxian County, Heze City, Shandong Province, and to provide scientific basis for anthrax prevention and control.Methods:Using on-site epidemiological investigation methods and the "Anthrax Epidemiological Case Investigation Form", case investigations were conducted based on the epidemiological contact history and close contacts of suspected anthrax cases reported by the national health care system ( n = 83). Scorched skin smears, diseased cattle tissues, soil samples from the slaughter site and smears from slaughter utensils were collected from cases for Real-time PCR testing and pathogenic bacteria isolation and culture, respectively. Anthrax determination criteria were carried out with reference to "Anthrax Diagnosis" (WS 283-2020). Results:A total of 13 cases of cutaneous anthrax were found in this outbreak, including 12 clinically diagnosed cases and one confirmed case (positive Real-time PCR test and isolation of a strain of Bacillus anthracis). The epidemiological investigation determined that the source of infection in this outbreak was diseased cattle, the transmission route was through slaughter of diseased cattle, contact with contaminated utensils and related cattle products, and the patients were mainly engaged in occupations related to cattle slaughter or cattle product collection and sale. A total of 84 samples were collected, including 13 skin scabs, 64 environmental samples and 7 beef samples. Thirty-six positive PCR tests were performed, with a positive rate of 42.86% (36/84). Among them, 100.00% (13/13) were positive for skin scab smear specimens, 29.69% (19/64) for environmental samples and 4/7 for beef samples. A total of 8 strains of Bacillus anthracis were isolated, including 6 environmental specimens, 1 suspected case and 1 beef strain, with an overall detection rate of 9.52% (8/84). Eighty-three close contacts were investigated. Thirteen households involved in the epidemic were disinfected by spraying (200 ml/m 2) with chlorine-containing disinfectant (5 000 mg/L), and a total of 40 households involved in the epidemic were disinfected, covering an area of about 10 765 m 2. Forty-five pieces of suspected contaminated clothing were burned and disposed of, and 152 pieces of kitchenware were soaked. Conclusions:Slaughter of infected cattle, contact with contaminated utensils and related cattle products are the main causes of this skin anthrax outbreak. Strengthening market supervision, deepening inter-animal epidemic prevention, carrying out publicity and education on anthrax prevention and control, and enhancing practitioners' awareness of disease prevention is the key to prevent anthrax from occurring.

Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion ; (12): 907-912, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004719


【Objective】 To analyze the basic characteristics of whole blood donors from blood stations before and after the outbreak of COVID-19. 【Methods】 After excluding invalid data, data related to the basic characteristics of whole blood donors collected from 26 blood stations in China during 2018 to 2021 were statistically analyzed, including the trend of total whole blood donors, the number of repeated blood donors, the frequency of blood donation, the average age of donors and the recruitment of first-time blood donors. 【Results】 Affected by the epidemic, 8 out of 14 indicators were with large variations, accounting for 57%. The overall growth rate of total whole blood donors during the epidemic was higher than before the epidemic (P<0.05).The number of repeated blood donors has shown an increased trend, with a higher number during the epidemic than before (P<0.05). The frequency of blood donation was lower during the epidemic than before(P<0.05).Average ages of blood donors and female blood donors fluctuated widely during the epidemic, both higher than those before the epidemic(P<0.05).The donation rate of first-time blood donors <25 years old and ≥25 years old varied widely and irregularly during the epidemic (both P<0.05). The percentage of first-time blood donors fluctuated irregularly during the epidemic, with overall percentage lower than that before the epidemic(P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 Whole blood donors from 26 blood stations increased after the outbreak of COVID-19, and some indicators in certain areas showed significant fluctuations during the epidemic.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-4, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469008


The COVID-19 is a contagious viral disease, was first emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and became the whole world on alert. The mortality rate in top most countries in Asia with special reference to Pakistan has been focused. Since February 26 to September 2020 the total confirmed cases and mortality rate was measured through Wikipedia and the notable journals. Iran is the only country having highest number of deaths (5.73%) followed by Indonesia (3.77%) while Saudi Arabia shows the lowest number of deaths as 1.39%. In Pakistan the first case was confirmed in 26th February, 2020. The nCov-19 has closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) hence SARS COV-2 was named. This virus is responsible for more than 33.9 million deaths in over all the world as of 20th September, 2020. The number of new cases is increasing time to time. Sindh province of Pakistan has reported the highest number of cases till September, 20, 2020 as compared to other parts of the country and has the highest number of death followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Because of the person to person contact the disease is spreading rapidly. The individuals who has already infected with other diseases like cancer or diabetic etc. are vulnerable. The nCOV-19 is the most contagious due to its mode of transmission. There is still no vaccine is available for the treatment of disease caused by nCoV-2019. It is therefore the only option to control this pandemic is to adopt effective preventive measures.

A covid-19 é uma doença viral contagiosa, que surgiu pela primeira vez em Wuhan, China, em dezembro de 2019, e deixou o mundo todo em alerta. A taxa de mortalidade na maioria dos principais países da Ásia, com referência especial ao Paquistão, foi enfocada. De 26 de fevereiro a setembro de 2020, o total de casos confirmados e a taxa de mortalidade foram medidos por meio da Wikipedia e de periódicos notáveis. O Irã é o único país com maior número de mortes (5,73%), seguido pela Indonésia (3,77%), enquanto a Arábia Saudita mostra o menor número de mortes, 1,39%. No Paquistão, o primeiro caso foi confirmado em 26 de fevereiro de 2020. O nCov-19 está intimamente relacionado à síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS), daí o nome SARS COV-2. Esse vírus é responsável por mais de 33,9 milhões de mortes em todo o mundo em 20 de setembro de 2020. O número de novos casos está aumentando de tempos em tempos. A província de Sindh, no Paquistão, registrou o maior número de casos até 20 de setembro de 2020, em comparação com outras partes do país, e tem o maior número de mortes, seguida por Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Por causa do contato pessoa a pessoa, a doença está se espalhando rapidamente. Indivíduos que já foram diagnosticados com outras doenças, como câncer ou diabetes, etc. são mais vulneráveis. O nCOV-19 é o mais contagioso devido ao seu modo de transmissão. Ainda não há vacina disponível para o tratamento da doença causada pelo nCoV-2019. Portanto, a única opção para controlar essa pandemia é a adoção de medidas preventivas eficazes.

Humans , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/mortality , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/virology
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469227


Abstract The COVID-19 is a contagious viral disease, was first emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and became the whole world on alert. The mortality rate in top most countries in Asia with special reference to Pakistan has been focused. Since February 26 to September 2020 the total confirmed cases and mortality rate was measured through Wikipedia and the notable journals. Iran is the only country having highest number of deaths (5.73%) followed by Indonesia (3.77%) while Saudi Arabia shows the lowest number of deaths as 1.39%. In Pakistan the first case was confirmed in 26th February, 2020. The nCov-19 has closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) hence SARS COV-2 was named. This virus is responsible for more than 33.9 million deaths in over all the world as of 20th September, 2020. The number of new cases is increasing time to time. Sindh province of Pakistan has reported the highest number of cases till September, 20, 2020 as compared to other parts of the country and has the highest number of death followed by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Because of the person to person contact the disease is spreading rapidly. The individuals who has already infected with other diseases like cancer or diabetic etc. are vulnerable. The nCOV-19 is the most contagious due to its mode of transmission. There is still no vaccine is available for the treatment of disease caused by nCoV-2019. It is therefore the only option to control this pandemic is to adopt effective preventive measures.

Resumo A covid-19 é uma doença viral contagiosa, que surgiu pela primeira vez em Wuhan, China, em dezembro de 2019, e deixou o mundo todo em alerta. A taxa de mortalidade na maioria dos principais países da Ásia, com referência especial ao Paquistão, foi enfocada. De 26 de fevereiro a setembro de 2020, o total de casos confirmados e a taxa de mortalidade foram medidos por meio da Wikipedia e de periódicos notáveis. O Irã é o único país com maior número de mortes (5,73%), seguido pela Indonésia (3,77%), enquanto a Arábia Saudita mostra o menor número de mortes, 1,39%. No Paquistão, o primeiro caso foi confirmado em 26 de fevereiro de 2020. O nCov-19 está intimamente relacionado à síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS), daí o nome SARS COV-2. Esse vírus é responsável por mais de 33,9 milhões de mortes em todo o mundo em 20 de setembro de 2020. O número de novos casos está aumentando de tempos em tempos. A província de Sindh, no Paquistão, registrou o maior número de casos até 20 de setembro de 2020, em comparação com outras partes do país, e tem o maior número de mortes, seguida por Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Por causa do contato pessoa a pessoa, a doença está se espalhando rapidamente. Indivíduos que já foram diagnosticados com outras doenças, como câncer ou diabetes, etc. são mais vulneráveis. O nCOV-19 é o mais contagioso devido ao seu modo de transmissão. Ainda não há vacina disponível para o tratamento da doença causada pelo nCoV-2019. Portanto, a única opção para controlar essa pandemia é a adoção de medidas preventivas eficazes.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 645-648, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980219


Objective@#To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of influenza outbreaks in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022, so as to provide insights into influenza prevention and control. @*Methods@#Data pertaining to influenza outbreaks reported in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022 were collected from National Influenza Surveillance System in China, including time, region, cases and pathogen types of influenza outbreaks. The temporal, spatial and pathogen distribution of influenza outbreaks were analyzed using a descriptive epidemiological method. @*Results@#A total of 577 influenza outbreaks involving 448 698 individuals were reported in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022, and the overall attack rate was 5.34% (23 974 cases), with no death reported. The lowest attack rate of influenza was 0.26%, and the highest was 80.00%, with a median attack rate of 10.89% (interquartile range, 24.26%). The outbreak had the shortest duration of 1.00 day, and the longest duration of 59.00 days, with a median duration of 9.00 (interquartile range, 11.00) days. There were 387 influenza outbreaks that occurred between November and January of the following year (67.07%), and the three highest numbers of outbreaks were reported in Hangzhou City (310 outbreaks), Wenzhou City (51 outbreaks) and Jinhua City (46 outbreaks). There were 395 outbreaks reported in urban regions (68.46%), 93 in counties and townships (16.12%) and 89 in rural regions (15.42%), and influenza outbreaks predominantly occurred in primary schools (487 outbreaks, 84.40%). In addition, the types of pathogens were alternately prevalent, with influenza B virus (241 outbreaks, 41.77%) and A/H3N2 virus (232 outbreaks, 40.21%) as predominant subtypes. @* Conclusions@#Influenza outbreaks mainly occurred in winter in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2022, and primary schools were main places of influenza outbreaks, while influenza B virus and A/H3N2 virus were predominant subtypes. It is necessary to reinforce the surveillance and report of influenza-like illness in schools and improve the coverage of influenza vaccination to prevent influenza outbreaks.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 585-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979770


@#Abstract: Objective To analyze the recent cluster outbreaks of imported malaria and explore the risks, challenges and countermeasures for dealing with such events during malaria post-elimination era of malaria, and to provide reference for effectively addressing the risks and consolidating the achievements of malaria elimination. Methods The individual malaria case data from "The Information System for Infectious Disease Surveillance" and "The Information System For Parasitic Diseases Prevention And Control" were collected,and the diagnosis classification, infection source, time and space distribution of cases were analyzed. Results From January 1 to August 11, 2022, a total of 429 malaria cases were reported nationwide, an 18.9% decrease compared to the same period last year (529 cases), all of which were imported cases. The overall weekly trend of the outbreak remained stable, but since Week 31 (July 25-31), there has been a significant increase in the number of cases, with a peak on August 5. From July 25 to August 11, 2022, a total of 162 malaria cases were reported nationwide, up 315.4% from 39 cases in the same period last year, accounting for 37.8% of the total cases up to August 11, 2022. The main source of imported infections was Guinea (95 cases, 58.6%), with most cases reported in Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province (30 cases), Shilin County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province (21 cases), Chaoyang District, Beijing (11 cases), and Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province (7 cases). Conclusions Due to the concentration of returnees to China, several entry port cities simultaneously experienced cluster outbreaks of imported malaria, which brought immense pressure and challenges to local medical and health institutions. Health facilities at all levels need to maintain high vigilance and sensitivity, be well prepared, and avoid death and secondary transmission caused by imported cases.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 64-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979589


@#Objective To understand the epidemiological and etiological characteristics of influenza in Mianyang City from 2019 to 2021, so as to provide a basis for the prevention and control of influenza. Methods Influenza surveillance data in Mianyang City from 2019 to 2021 were collected and analyzed statistically. Results A total of 55 970 cases of influenza were reported in Mianyang City from 2019 to 2021, with an average annual incidence of 388.08/100 000. A total of 103 723 cases of influenza -like illness cases (ILI) were reported, with an average annual ILI% of 3.58%. The incidence, ILI% , and positive detection rates of influenza were all far higher than those in the corresponding period in 2019. The classification of the population is mainly composed of students under the age of 15. The top three reported cases were Fucheng District (20 118, 35.94%), Youxian District (6 394, 11.42%) and Jiangyou District (5 800, 10.36%). 10 126 samples of ILI were received and detected, with a positive rate of 19.53%, the positive rate of ILI samples was mainly students under 15 years old. The dominant strains of influenza viruses showed an alternating trend over the years, and A (H3) was the predominant type in 2019. Except for 2 A (H9) strains detected in 2021, the rest were all BV strains. Due to the impact of COVID-19 in 2020, the positive detection rate was low throughout the year. 43 outbreaks of ILI were reported, which were mainly occurred in winter, and most of them were in primary schools. Conclusion From 2019 to 2021, the characteristics of cases, ILI, pathogen surveillance and outbreak events of influenza in Mianyang City are basically the same, with students under 15 years of age and schools remaining the key population and sites of concern. the importance of non-pharmaceutical interventions for influenza prevention and control is further evidenced by the low incidence of influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic.